About Us

As a nationally recognised not-for-profit organisation, The Australian National Cyber Security Institute (ANCI) aims to provide best-in-class education, information, and guidance, to its members, by bringing together a diverse range of industry participants, for the development and deployment of thought leadership, best practice, policy, standards and solutions.

ANCI is led by a Board of Directors, made up of an independent Chairperson, independent Board Member Directors, and elected Board Members from the cyber security industry.

All members are eligible to participate in forums, discussion groups, advisory panels, and collaboration projects, thereby contributing to the organisation’s mission and member knowledge/resources. who contribute to the organisation’s mission through its expert and advisory panels.

ANCI was founded in 2020.


Contact us

+61 498 001 477

Level 2, 1 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank, Australia, 3006

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